Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Two Job or not two job....

     Ok, so I have been back to work almost a month and now I am seriously considering getting a second job.  I know if I did it would take time away from the already little time I get to spend with my husband and my almost 3 month old son, but it might also be a necessity.  The economy has hit everyone hard and that leaves us slower in sales this year than we were last year so of course everyone's hours were cut.  I went from working 40+ hours a week to coming back from maternity leave and lucky if I get 25hours.  It wouldn't be so bad if I worked locally but I also have to drive 20 miles to and from work everyday.  The price of gas added in along with my monthly bills and I can barely afford to get the gas to drive me into work everyday.  All of my paycheck and my husbands goes to bills and food with very little left over to play with.
     I've done the two job thing before( that's how I got the job I'm at right now) and I remember the zombie that I used to be because I was so tired from working both.  I don't even want to think about how much I wouldn't see my husband, miss important milestones in m baby's life and not have one of my own because I would be working all the time along with whatever housework I would have to keep up on and taking care of the baby when I have a moment with him.  I really don't want to be an absentee parent but if I can't find another solution to make some money I may have to opt for the second job.  Or I could always win the lottery.....but the odds of that are about slim to none.  I'm up for suggestions if anyone has any.......

1 comment:

  1. Considering staying home and perhaps babysitting another child in your home. Time with baby and helping someone else out and getting paid to do it?
