Sunday, September 15, 2013

Long Time, No write!!!!

     Wow.....I didn't realize that it's been almost 2 years since I updated this blog.  I've been so busy updating my other blog, working, being a good wife and mommy that I didn't have the time.  But, I do today!!!  Let me catch you up on the last two years........
     Well first off, Jeremy and just celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary which also coincides with our 10th "we've been together forever" anniversary.  Things are still awesome with us and despite the small disagreements and roaring fights that we have had we are still so stupid in love with each other that I foresee another 80 years of happily married for us. We celebrated by going to Joe's Crab Shack and having a delicious dinner (I had whole crawfish for the first time and Holy God am I in love!!), an adult beverage, and some good "US" time.
     Timmy is growing beautifully and is too smart for his own good.  My son has embraced the gypsy that I have passed down to him and is one of the best little con men I have ever encountered.  He is absolutely adorable (of course he is....have you seen his parents?!?), talks like he is 5 years old and is amazing at testing his boundaries.  He uses is large, beautiful green eyes and sweet smile to con momma and grandma into almost anything.  We are slowly learning to resist him but it's not easy.  He is very intelligent, he knows all of his colors, all of his shapes, the entire alphabet, and he can count to 25 without help.  He's only three!!!  We are starting to work with him on recognizing letters and a little bit of writing.  He's also very tall for his age I think. He's 37 inches tall and is about 32 pounds.  I have a feeling that he going to take after his grandpa and his uncles and be in the 6ft range when he gets older.  Didn't take after momma at all in that department.

Isn't he just adorable?????

We are also trying to sell our house.  We moved out a year ago and moved in with my mother in law to help her out with bills, to help us out with bills and give the Timmers a bigger place to run around. ( He never stops moving, not even for a minute.)  We did a little bit of renovating on the house and now we have an interested buyer that I am really hoping decides to take our offer and buy the house.  I should hopefully hear about it in a couple of days so keep your fingers crossed!!!  Other than that things are pretty much the same.  I work 45 hours a week at the same job but we did get new owners to I am making more money. (which is good...)   So I leave you today with a couple of more pictures of my butt butt!!!   

TOO CUTE!!!!!!!

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