Monday, April 11, 2011

Baby for Free. Comes with clothes, toys, and all other baby essentials.

     So I've got this adorable little guy that I love more than anything, he makes me smile, laugh and I love him dearly and then the attitude starts and I often threaten to sell him to the gypsies,  ( To which my father lovingly responded that he doesn't have the room or he would take him.)
     Don't get me wrong I love my son, he and Jeremy are my world but there are those days when I want to accomplish something and my little angel turns into the the little demon that I knew was hiding in there somewhere. ( Let's face it, he is Jeremy's son!!!)   He's trying to learn to walk but gets angry when he can't and realizes that  he can't crawl as fast as mom can walk.  When he finally does make it to me and I'm cleaning up the house and I walk past him, he howls and the tears make their prompt arrival.  I respond by having to stop what I'm doing and letting him crawl to me, stand up, hold the back of my pants and the two of us slowly shuffle around the house until he falls and the crying recommences.  When I'm home I am his bestest buddy and I get used like a jungle gym.  He has also learned that when I'm holding him and I try to put him down if he grabs my hair on either side of my face that he can use that to hang on!  OUCH!!!!!!  Teething isn't helping either.  He only has two little pearlys in there but I can tell when he's hurting when he crys and bites the back of his hand.  At night it's a struggle to get him to calm down for bed anymore.  He will bring me his blanket and bottle and try to pull himself into my lap.  Once he's there he sits for 5minutes climbs down, goes and plays with his toys, comes back and repetes the cycle.  This might go on for about an hour- hour and a half before he gives in curls up in my arms and falls asleep.  This is when the angel side of him returns and I get to watch him dream and smile while he sleeps.
     I knew my life would change having a child and I fully expected this to happen.  None of it surprises me.  I just never realized how exhausted it would make me!  There are some nights I go to bed and wake up the next morning not remembering how I got there!  But as much as I may complain I wouldn't trade any of it in for the world.  I just need to try and fit a stress relieving hobby in the routine or just an hour to myself to where I can do what I want without having to worry about cleaning or anything else.
     In the meantime I have to get to planning my little bittys first birthday!!!!!!  I have the preasents now I have to get decorations and balloons and food. ( Did I mention I have three weeks in which to do this?)
Till then here's the tater in all his Pajammie glory!!!!!

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