Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fell in love with a boy

So tomorrow will be October 1st and on Staurday Timothy will be offically 5 months old.  Where did the time go?  It's hard to believe that five months ago I was lying in a hospital bed in the labor and delivery getting ready to bring this little life into the world, now he's eating solid food and laughing with me everyday. 

If you have asked me five years ago if I thought that I would ever be where I am today I would have probably told you no.  That's part in parcel to the fact that it took me almost 6 years to convince Jeremy that children were a good thing.  He didn't believe me until he saw his son for the first time and I will never forget the look of pride on his face (even through the morphine fog) when he held our little boy the first time.  He had a smile on his face and tears in his eyes.  Even when we were in my postpartum room he was happy to be running back and forth to the NICU taking pictures for me and taking family members down to see our little bundle of joy.  He even jumped up to be the first of the two of us to change one of the first diapers.  When we finally were released from the hospital and got to be at home, he helped me out alot.  He was home with me to help with Timmy for almost two weeks.  He helped feed, change and bathe him, he also took the night shift so that I could get a solid 6 hours of sleep.  I would go to bed at midnight and get to sleep until five or six in the morning when Timmy woke up for a feeding.  Jeremy would take care of his three or four am feeding while I slept and then I would let Jeremy sleep until late afternoon.  Now before you say "awww what a good daddy", it gets better because he would do all of that and still make sure I was eating healthy and getting enough calories to produce milk for our son, cooked me dinner, helped clean the house and would help me move around because I had to have a C-section.  Even to this day he offers to help with house cleaning and keeping an eye on Timmy if I have run out to do an errand.  He still cooks me dinner almost every night and puts up with me after I've had a long day at work and I'm just outright cranky.  He is an excellent father and would do anything for Timothy. 

So ladies in a nutshell, I have the best husband in the world and I really don't know what I would do without him.  I love him for everything thing that he is and everything I know he will be.  I honestly don't think that I can tell him that I love him enough and I wonder sometimes how I got so lucky to have him in my life.  I initially was going to write about my son that seems to be growing like a weed and how bittersweet it's been watching him grow over the last few months but I felt, after I started,  that I would honor Jeremy with this blog and let everyone know what a wonderful man he is, how lucky I am to have him with me and how much I love him.  Now I know by now most of you are gagging and thinking "aww how disgustingly sweet.." but wouldn't you brag if you had a great guy like him too?  With that said I will end this with: Jeremy I love you with all of my heart, you are my soulmate and I am so lucky to have you in my life.  I'm looking forward to the next 50 or more years that we will spend together watching our son grow and loving eachother.  I love you forever and always.

1 comment:

  1. Awe!! I am soo happy for you both! Glad you found each other and have this wonderful life!!
