Sunday, September 15, 2013

Long Time, No write!!!!

     Wow.....I didn't realize that it's been almost 2 years since I updated this blog.  I've been so busy updating my other blog, working, being a good wife and mommy that I didn't have the time.  But, I do today!!!  Let me catch you up on the last two years........
     Well first off, Jeremy and just celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary which also coincides with our 10th "we've been together forever" anniversary.  Things are still awesome with us and despite the small disagreements and roaring fights that we have had we are still so stupid in love with each other that I foresee another 80 years of happily married for us. We celebrated by going to Joe's Crab Shack and having a delicious dinner (I had whole crawfish for the first time and Holy God am I in love!!), an adult beverage, and some good "US" time.
     Timmy is growing beautifully and is too smart for his own good.  My son has embraced the gypsy that I have passed down to him and is one of the best little con men I have ever encountered.  He is absolutely adorable (of course he is....have you seen his parents?!?), talks like he is 5 years old and is amazing at testing his boundaries.  He uses is large, beautiful green eyes and sweet smile to con momma and grandma into almost anything.  We are slowly learning to resist him but it's not easy.  He is very intelligent, he knows all of his colors, all of his shapes, the entire alphabet, and he can count to 25 without help.  He's only three!!!  We are starting to work with him on recognizing letters and a little bit of writing.  He's also very tall for his age I think. He's 37 inches tall and is about 32 pounds.  I have a feeling that he going to take after his grandpa and his uncles and be in the 6ft range when he gets older.  Didn't take after momma at all in that department.

Isn't he just adorable?????

We are also trying to sell our house.  We moved out a year ago and moved in with my mother in law to help her out with bills, to help us out with bills and give the Timmers a bigger place to run around. ( He never stops moving, not even for a minute.)  We did a little bit of renovating on the house and now we have an interested buyer that I am really hoping decides to take our offer and buy the house.  I should hopefully hear about it in a couple of days so keep your fingers crossed!!!  Other than that things are pretty much the same.  I work 45 hours a week at the same job but we did get new owners to I am making more money. (which is good...)   So I leave you today with a couple of more pictures of my butt butt!!!   

TOO CUTE!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

R.I.P Steve Jobs, but couldn't you have taken the iPhone with you?

     Ok, so as most of you know I work at an At&t store.  The job is okay and most days I don't mind going but since the release of the new iPhone 4s I am ready to throw our store phone out the window.  We have had endless calls about this phone.  People have called about everything from can they still get it to all the problems they are having activating it.  It's seriously a pain in my butt.  The phone has been out for just over 36 hours and because EVERYONE is activating at the same time the network is clogging up everything!!!  I have to talk to customer service on a regular basis and now what usually takes only 5mins to do is now taking 30mins.  The other down fall is that most people don't know that we are not authorized to work on the iPhone, so if it breaks you have to drive all the way to Troy and go to the Apple Store to get it fixed.  I have had several customers yell at me because the other stores sales reps didn't tell them that!!!  So I can officially say I absolutly hate the iPhone!!!!

    So I ask you please the next time you need help with the iPhone or know someone that does, please don't go rampaging into your closest At&t store yelling at the sales reps.  We didn't do it and we will try and help but we can't if you are going to yell and threaten to switch to another company because someone didn't give you the full story about your phone. We are doing what we can and if you treat us with a little respect then we will give it to you in return and will be more willing to go out of our way to solve whatever problem you may have.  They say the golden rule is "do unto others as you would have them do to you"  not come-in-and-yell-demanding-respect-and-get-upset-when-we-can't-help.  Be kind to your At&t rep and we will be kind to you.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Where did the time go and how did it get lost?

     Just a short post today.....Timmy started walking yesterday!!!!   I was up at Ross Medical School checking out the campus and I got a text message from my mother in law telling me that walked across the living room.  He had been taking random steps here and there for a month now but this time there was actual distance!!!   When I got back home he walked, well almost ran, to me from the middle of my living room to the front door where I was standing with tears of joy in my eyes. 
     This last year has gone by so fast.  My little man is walking, feeding himself (he makes a unbelievable mess) and he's going to be a year old in a couple of weeks.  I knew that his first year would go by quick because babies do so much in the first year but I wasn't expecting it to go buy this fast.   I understand now what my parents said about cherishing all the time I can with my child.  It goes by in the blink of an eye!!!!  Well all, goodnight for now...............

Monday, April 11, 2011

Baby for Free. Comes with clothes, toys, and all other baby essentials.

     So I've got this adorable little guy that I love more than anything, he makes me smile, laugh and I love him dearly and then the attitude starts and I often threaten to sell him to the gypsies,  ( To which my father lovingly responded that he doesn't have the room or he would take him.)
     Don't get me wrong I love my son, he and Jeremy are my world but there are those days when I want to accomplish something and my little angel turns into the the little demon that I knew was hiding in there somewhere. ( Let's face it, he is Jeremy's son!!!)   He's trying to learn to walk but gets angry when he can't and realizes that  he can't crawl as fast as mom can walk.  When he finally does make it to me and I'm cleaning up the house and I walk past him, he howls and the tears make their prompt arrival.  I respond by having to stop what I'm doing and letting him crawl to me, stand up, hold the back of my pants and the two of us slowly shuffle around the house until he falls and the crying recommences.  When I'm home I am his bestest buddy and I get used like a jungle gym.  He has also learned that when I'm holding him and I try to put him down if he grabs my hair on either side of my face that he can use that to hang on!  OUCH!!!!!!  Teething isn't helping either.  He only has two little pearlys in there but I can tell when he's hurting when he crys and bites the back of his hand.  At night it's a struggle to get him to calm down for bed anymore.  He will bring me his blanket and bottle and try to pull himself into my lap.  Once he's there he sits for 5minutes climbs down, goes and plays with his toys, comes back and repetes the cycle.  This might go on for about an hour- hour and a half before he gives in curls up in my arms and falls asleep.  This is when the angel side of him returns and I get to watch him dream and smile while he sleeps.
     I knew my life would change having a child and I fully expected this to happen.  None of it surprises me.  I just never realized how exhausted it would make me!  There are some nights I go to bed and wake up the next morning not remembering how I got there!  But as much as I may complain I wouldn't trade any of it in for the world.  I just need to try and fit a stress relieving hobby in the routine or just an hour to myself to where I can do what I want without having to worry about cleaning or anything else.
     In the meantime I have to get to planning my little bittys first birthday!!!!!!  I have the preasents now I have to get decorations and balloons and food. ( Did I mention I have three weeks in which to do this?)
Till then here's the tater in all his Pajammie glory!!!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My how the time goes by.....

     So here I am 10 and a half months later, wondering where the time went and how my baby boy got so big so fast.  He is days from walking, he can stand on his own, he can feed himself little finger foods, and a few little words like momma, dada and nana have slipped from his lips.  I even think he said turtle one night in the tub and poop yesterday when I changed his diaper.   He is his own little person with his own personality.  Thankfully he is also healthy and devloping right on time.  He's a little on the small side according to his doctor, still ranging in the 25th percentile for his age, but I'm not exactly the biggest person so we all think he takes after me for now.  Jeremy likes to tease me and tell me he has my faulty short gene.  I don't care, he's healthy and happy so to me that is all that matters. 
     The bittersweetness of it all is that his first birthday is in about a month and a half!  AHHHHHHHH!!!!  My little bitty isn't so little bitty anymore!!!  I am actually going to have a small party for him. Couple of friends, my mom and dad Jeremy's mom and my sister.  Depending on the weather we might BBQ and spend the day outside.  I'm looking forward to it but at the same time I'm not.  I know now how my parents felt when they told me to slow down when I was in a big rush to grow up.  Ah but such is life and that's how it goes.  I will keep everyone updated on how things are going and whether or not Timmy starts walking before his birthday.  In the meantime here's an adorable pic of my sweetness:


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Really? Does this really need to be something that has to be talked about?

     Ok, so I am one of those people that is unbelieveably addicted to 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom.  I watch it every week despite Jeremy's constant making fun of me for watching what he calls "tripe".  I have to admit it is a dumb show and of course the dreaded reality T.V.  The one thing I have realized is the amount of girls that are only 16 years old and are getting pregnant.  Not only that but the amount of girls that are 16 , getting pregnant and think "oh this is gonna be a breeze"  and then are upset when their boyfriends of the same age aren't up to the task of raising a baby or they have to give up everything they loved to do because they now have a child.  What I want to know is, where did this world go wrong when it was ok to be a mom at 16?  I love the show but I not only believe but also know that the show glorifies getting pregnant at a young age.  Yeah it shows the hardships that these girls are going through and at the end of every episode they have their PSA about how teen pregnancy is preventable and to go to such and such a website to learn about it.  My only problem is that if this show is supposed to deter teens from pregnancy then why have they been able to keep finding girls to keep the show going?  So far they are in season 3 and I'm sure have season 4 in the works already. 
     Do we need to up the sex education in our schools to educate this generation about what can happen when you have unprotected sex?  Do we need to hand out condoms/birthcontrol?  Most of the girls on the show weren't even on any type of birth control and obviously not using condoms.  Alot have said that they left the condoms up to their boyfriends and went along with it if they decided not to use them.  Some of the parents on the show admitted that they knew that their children were having sex and still didn't talk with them about condoms and birth control because they didn't want their kids to think they thought it was ok for them to be having sex. Really?!?!?
     We need to be open with our children about sex and realize that at some point and time in their teen years they are going to want to do it despite the fact that we don't approve of it.  If we just sit back and ignore that fact that teens are out there having sex at 14,15,16 years old we are failing as parents and not teaching our children anything.  Yes it's an embarrassing topic but so what. We need to make our kids aware of the consequences and responsibilities of being sexually active.  We need to be open about birth control even though we don't approve of them having sex so young.  We need to express that it is better to wait to have sex but that if they are going to do it then you will be there for  them to educate them and advise them or just to talk.  Sex has always been a taboo subject but I don't think it should be.  We need to find a way to better educate our children and be more open with them to prevent the teen pregnancy epidemic that seems to be sweeping across not only our country but the rest of the world.  We need to make it so that a show like 16 and Pregnant doesn't need to exist.
      My son is only 7 months old but I already have the plan of being as open with him about sex as my parents were with me.  I want him to be able to talk to me about his problems, questions and sex like I was able to with my parents.  It wasn't always a comfortable situation but I always knew that they were there for me.  I want my son to feel the same way.  We need to end this epdemic of teen pregnancy whether it be with openess, education or just flat out offering up birth control when they hit puberty.  Its not necessary but yet more and more teens everyday are getting pregnant so we are obviously not getting the message across.  We need to come up with some ideas soon or we are all going to end up being grandparents way before our time.  We need to educate or children and take the taboo off of the subject of sex if we want to make a difference.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fell in love with a boy

So tomorrow will be October 1st and on Staurday Timothy will be offically 5 months old.  Where did the time go?  It's hard to believe that five months ago I was lying in a hospital bed in the labor and delivery getting ready to bring this little life into the world, now he's eating solid food and laughing with me everyday. 

If you have asked me five years ago if I thought that I would ever be where I am today I would have probably told you no.  That's part in parcel to the fact that it took me almost 6 years to convince Jeremy that children were a good thing.  He didn't believe me until he saw his son for the first time and I will never forget the look of pride on his face (even through the morphine fog) when he held our little boy the first time.  He had a smile on his face and tears in his eyes.  Even when we were in my postpartum room he was happy to be running back and forth to the NICU taking pictures for me and taking family members down to see our little bundle of joy.  He even jumped up to be the first of the two of us to change one of the first diapers.  When we finally were released from the hospital and got to be at home, he helped me out alot.  He was home with me to help with Timmy for almost two weeks.  He helped feed, change and bathe him, he also took the night shift so that I could get a solid 6 hours of sleep.  I would go to bed at midnight and get to sleep until five or six in the morning when Timmy woke up for a feeding.  Jeremy would take care of his three or four am feeding while I slept and then I would let Jeremy sleep until late afternoon.  Now before you say "awww what a good daddy", it gets better because he would do all of that and still make sure I was eating healthy and getting enough calories to produce milk for our son, cooked me dinner, helped clean the house and would help me move around because I had to have a C-section.  Even to this day he offers to help with house cleaning and keeping an eye on Timmy if I have run out to do an errand.  He still cooks me dinner almost every night and puts up with me after I've had a long day at work and I'm just outright cranky.  He is an excellent father and would do anything for Timothy. 

So ladies in a nutshell, I have the best husband in the world and I really don't know what I would do without him.  I love him for everything thing that he is and everything I know he will be.  I honestly don't think that I can tell him that I love him enough and I wonder sometimes how I got so lucky to have him in my life.  I initially was going to write about my son that seems to be growing like a weed and how bittersweet it's been watching him grow over the last few months but I felt, after I started,  that I would honor Jeremy with this blog and let everyone know what a wonderful man he is, how lucky I am to have him with me and how much I love him.  Now I know by now most of you are gagging and thinking "aww how disgustingly sweet.." but wouldn't you brag if you had a great guy like him too?  With that said I will end this with: Jeremy I love you with all of my heart, you are my soulmate and I am so lucky to have you in my life.  I'm looking forward to the next 50 or more years that we will spend together watching our son grow and loving eachother.  I love you forever and always.