Sunday, March 13, 2011

My how the time goes by.....

     So here I am 10 and a half months later, wondering where the time went and how my baby boy got so big so fast.  He is days from walking, he can stand on his own, he can feed himself little finger foods, and a few little words like momma, dada and nana have slipped from his lips.  I even think he said turtle one night in the tub and poop yesterday when I changed his diaper.   He is his own little person with his own personality.  Thankfully he is also healthy and devloping right on time.  He's a little on the small side according to his doctor, still ranging in the 25th percentile for his age, but I'm not exactly the biggest person so we all think he takes after me for now.  Jeremy likes to tease me and tell me he has my faulty short gene.  I don't care, he's healthy and happy so to me that is all that matters. 
     The bittersweetness of it all is that his first birthday is in about a month and a half!  AHHHHHHHH!!!!  My little bitty isn't so little bitty anymore!!!  I am actually going to have a small party for him. Couple of friends, my mom and dad Jeremy's mom and my sister.  Depending on the weather we might BBQ and spend the day outside.  I'm looking forward to it but at the same time I'm not.  I know now how my parents felt when they told me to slow down when I was in a big rush to grow up.  Ah but such is life and that's how it goes.  I will keep everyone updated on how things are going and whether or not Timmy starts walking before his birthday.  In the meantime here's an adorable pic of my sweetness: